With an eye on Optical Art from the Sixties and the other on Scandinavian Minimalism, Point Line Surface is the quintessence of our work.
An urban series born from chaos, deconstruction, and from an hybridize of styles and trends. It mirrors our cinematographic and physical soul.
Oval Line Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceOval line earrings designed and handcrafted by Salvatore Etre Borrelli aka Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
Chic Glitter Earrings
Earrings, Point Line Surface"Nowtone" is the name of these chic glitter earrings in colorful tones of pink of plexi shock Roma.€45.00 -
Art Deco Perspex Fan Earrings
Earrings, Point Line Surface"Aya" is the name of these art deco perspex fan earrings inspired by japanese jewelry!€55.00 -
Colorful Plexiglass Art Deco Style Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsALTER V is the name of these colorful plexiglass art deco style earrings designed by Plexi Shock. You can try them to our atelier | studio | gallery in Rione Monti, Roma.€66.00 -
Art Deco Plexiglass Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceSUSTAIN V is the name of these Art Deco plexiglass earrings designed & produced with Love by Plexi Shock Jewelry.€55.00 -
Bauhaus statement earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceBauhaus statement earrings designed by Plexi Shock Roma€55.00 -
Asymmetric Round Oval Celluloid Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceThese are asymmetric round oval celluloid earrings designed by plexi shock.€40.00 -
80s Fantastic Acrylic Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsHUR is the name of this 80s fantastic acrylic earrings designed and produced by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
80 Style Urban Stud Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsNEVADA is the name of these shining 80 style urban stud earrings of Plexi Shock Acrylic Jewelry. Handmade in Roma, Via Urbana 87 - 88 - 88a, Rione Monti.€55.00 -
Art Deco Perspex Chic Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsHEKA is the name of these art deco perspex chic earrings designed & produced by Plexi Shock.€66.00 -
Art Deco Drop Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsADELAIDE is the name of these art deco drop earrings designed by Plexi Shock and produced on plexiglass, acrylic mirror & perspex sheets.€77.00 -
Rhombus Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceAZALIA is the name of these perspex rhombus earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
Chevron Stud Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsKISU is the name of the long chic chevron stud earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
Chic Blue Plexiglass Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsANGELICA is the name of these chic blue plexiglass earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
Retro Style Acrylic Square Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsSLOWDIVE is the name of these retro style acrylic square earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€66.00 -
Colorful Plexiglass Sun Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceColorful plexiglass sun earrings inspired by solar system, art deco, and contemporary jewels.€55.00 -
Avant-Garde Acrylic Oval Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceHYPNO is the name of these Avant-Garde Acrylic Oval Earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€66.00 -
Asymmetric Circle Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceThese are asymmetric circle earrings designed by plexi shock. Black & pink plexiglass with gold mirror circles.€40.00 -
Asymmetric Hexagon Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceThese are asymmetric hexagon earrings designed by plexi shock.€40.00 -
Small Cute Sparkling Two-Tone Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceSmall Cute Sparkling Two-Tone Stud Earrings designed by Plexi Shock. Tiny Multicolor Acrylic Mirror Jewellery, handmade in Italy€27.00 -
Chunky Colorful Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceIKO is the name of these extraordinary chunky colorful acrylic earrings designed by Plexi Shock thinking of abstract art and historical Italian futurism.€77.00 -
Round Striped Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceANADINE is the name of these round striped acrylic earrings designed & produced with Love by Plexi Shock.€49.00 -
Rectangular Plexiglass Earrings
Point Line Surface, Earrings"Ozu" is the name of these fantastic rectangular plexiglass earrings. T hey are a a model of elegance. A few elements: two overlapped squares.€45.00 -
Spiral Design Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceBETA is the name of these spiral design earrings in the way of Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
60s 70s Minimal Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceBERGMAN is the name of these 60s 70s minimal earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
Geometrical Plexiglass Stud Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceDANCE is the name of these geometrical plexiglass stud earrings designed & produced with Love by Plexi Shock in Italy.€55.00 -
Geometric Plexiglass Square Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceBlue Orange Gold Mirror Geometric Plexiglass Square Earrings.€45.00 -
Irregular Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line Surface"Olerud" is the name of these irregular acrylic earrings manufactured by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
Half Moon Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceTOULOUSE is the name of these half moon acrylic earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€40.00 -
Experimental Stud Perspex Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsJARMAN is the name of this experimental stud perspex earrings designed & produced in limited edition by Plexi Shock.€85.00 -
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Double Acrylic Hoop Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsREQ is the name of these double acrylic hoop earrings designed by Plexi Shock and thinking about the contrast between empty and full.€55.00 -
Striped Perspex Bracelet
Bracelets, Point Line SurfaceBLING is the name of these incredible handmade striped perspex bracelet designed & produced with Love by Plexi Shock.€90.00 -
Chessboard Bracelet
Bracelets, Point Line SurfaceFIRE is a plexiglass chessboard bracelet worked entirely by hand and glued piece by piece in plexi shock.€95.00 -
Eccentric Design Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsSUN RA is the name of these eccentric design earrings designed & produced by Plexi Shock with original color plexiglass sheet.€75.00 -
Irregular Stud Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceGHOST is the name of this irregular stud earrings with an asymmetric & special mood of the Plexi Shock Jewelry Line.€45.00 -
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Art Deco Perspex Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsMULTIPLE V is the name of this art deco perspex earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€66.00 -
Black White Acrylic Striped Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceNASHVILLE is the name of these black white acrylic striped earrings€45.00 -
Colorful Acrylic Hoop Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceDREKKA is the name of these colorful acrylic hoop earrings designed by Plexi Shock and produced by hand with plexiglass and love.€55.00 -
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Large Hexagonal Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceHEXTONE is the name of these large hexagonal earrings designed by Plexi Shock thinking of modern geometries and feminine and floral tones.€45.00 -
Colorful Acrylic Stud Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsCLIMB is the name of these geometric art deco colorful acrylic stud earrings designed by Plexi Shock and inspired by contemporary geometries and art deco jewels.€49.00 -
Avant Deco Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceEILEEN is the name of these avant deco acrylic earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€66.00 -
Geometric Perspex Design Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceLEROI is the name of these geometric perspex design earrings designed and produced by Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
Eccentric Modern Hoop Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceBRAKHAGE is the name of these eccentric modern hoop earrings designed & produced by Plexi Shock.€66.00 -
Geometric Chunky Statement Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsThis are geometric chunky statement earrings. The name of this art deco earrings is JOSEF. They are designed by Plexi shock Jewelry.
Geometric Stud Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsBRAID is the name of these contrasting black geometric stud earrings that follow a game of polygons and open spaces, designed by Plexi Shock with Love!€45.00 -
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Art Deco Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceBOLIVIA is the name of this big art deco acrylic earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
Plexiglass Pendant
Necklaces, Point Line SurfaceNIX is the name of this eccentric art deco style plexiglass pendant designed and produced by hand by Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
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Perspex Pendant
Point Line Surface, NecklacesXIN is the name of this quirky art deco perspex pendant designed and handcrafted by Plexi Shock with pencils and first day of school in mind.€45.00 -
Triangular Pendant Necklace
Point Line Surface, NecklacesNAAMAH is the name of this triangular pendant necklace designed by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
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Acrylic Pendant
Point Line Surface, NecklacesRANGDA is the name of this geometric acrylic pendant composed of sparkling gold mirror and plexiglass designed by Plexi Shock.€55.00 -
Acrylic Art Deco Necklace
Necklaces, Point Line SurfaceMISHIMA is the name of this acrylic art deco necklace designed by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
Avant-Garde Perspex Geometric Bracelet
Point Line Surface, BraceletsVELMA is the name of this avant-garde perspex geometric bracelet designed by Plexi Shock.€60.00 -
Colorful Acrylic Striped Bracelet
Bracelets, Point Line SurfaceDRAKE is the name of this extraordinary colorful acrylic striped bracelet with wide stripes and narrow bands designed by Plexi Shock thinking of art and the unrepeatable.€70.00 -
Multicolored 80s Acrylic Bracelet
Point Line Surface, BraceletsPIITTTCHHH is the name of this multicolored 80s acrylic bracelet designed with metaprogramming and ultramodern and ultraconceptual geometries in mind.€60.00 -
Optical Art Cuff Bracelet
Point Line Surface, BraceletsAPOLLONIO is an optical art cuff bracelet disegned & produced with love and hands by plexi shock.€88.00 -
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1960s Mod Acrylic Hoop Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceZANUSSI is the name of these 1960s mod acrylic hoop earrings in black and white inspired by the 60s mod and completely revised by Plexi Shock.€45.00 -
Eye-Catching Statement Acrylic Earrings
Earrings, Point Line SurfaceTRIM is the name of these eye-catching statement acrylic earrings designed & produced with Love by Plexi Shock.€60.00 -
Galactic Borealis Dangle Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsAURORA BOREALIS is the name of these mirrored galactic borealis dangle earrings designed by Plexi Shock.€40.00 -
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Big Round Plexiglass Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsWELTANSCHAUUNG is the name of these very big round plexiglass earrings designed by Plexi Shock on transparent plexiglass with a very fantastic chromatic scale of acrylic colors.€45.00 -
Transparent Acrylic Earrings
Point Line Surface, EarringsBUBBLES is the name of these transparent acrylic earrings designed & produced by Plexi Shock.€37.00 -
Deconstructive Architectonical Ring
Rings, Point Line SurfaceMICROSTORIA is the name of this deconstructive architectonical ring designed by Plexi Shock and made by Handmade Plexiglass.€30.00 -
Multilayer Multicolor Plexiglass Ring
Rings, Point Line SurfaceTULIP S is the name of this multilayer multicolor plexiglass ring designed by Plexi Shock Italian Jewelry Design.€32.00 -
Avant-Garde Triangle Ring
Rings, Point Line SurfaceTHX is the name of this triangle avant-garde triangle ring designed by Plexi Shock & inspired by Italian design of 70s.€30.00 -
Ocher Plexiglass Circle Ring
Rings, Point Line SurfaceTHR is the name of this ocher plexiglass circle ring designed by Plexi Shock and inspired by OpArt & Italian 70s avant-garde design.€30.00 -
Chocolate Square Chic Ring
Rings, Point Line SurfaceTHP is the name of this chocolate square chic ring designed by Plexi Shock & inspired by Italian Avant-Garde Jewelry of 70s.€30.00